Tuesday, March 17, 2009


transitive verb
1: to keep in an existing state (such as repair, efficiency, or validity)
Tim maintained his car by patching the leak in the tire.
2: to sustain against opposition or danger; to uphold and defend
Meredith maintains that she likes nouns used as verbs, but not verbs used as nouns.
3: to continue or persevere in; to carry on or keep up
Paul urges us to maintain our love for Christ.
4: to support or provide for; to sustain
We are maintained by the example of Christ's life.
5: to affirm in, as if in argument; assert
Tim and Meredith both maintain that Simon & Garfunkel make great music.

Lately, I prefer no. 2 & no. 5.


  1. 1. I tire of maintaining my car and computer.
    2. I maintained Meredith from the fire breathing dragon (don't think that was proper, but i like that thought).
    3. Tim and Meredith maintain their spiritual focus through devoted study and prayer.
    4. Tim reluctantly confesses that coffee efficaciously maintains his positive.
    5a. I maintain that my spiritual life is highly contingent upon my prayer life.
    5b. I also maintain that Bunting & Qualls make great imaginary music.

  2. Thanks for the fire-breathing dragon maintenance. I really do appreciate it.

    I'm only going to give perfunctory thought to the music Bunting & Qualls would make.

    I'm starting to forget what some of these words mean. I need to make a pertinacious attempt to commit them to my memory.

  3. I maintain that a pertinacious study is more efficacious than studying perfunctorily. There's no chance of working "effigy" into that sentence. you make being a dork more fun. i can't believe we have a two person exclusive blog. it's so supercilious :)


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