Wednesday, March 25, 2009


A departure from what is normal, usual, expected, typically one that is unwelcome;
A person whose beliefs or behavior are unacceptable;
A departure from one's usual moral character or mental ability.

also aberrational (ADJ)

from L. abberare which means 'to stray'

Saul's jealousy and hatred towards David became an aberration from the leader he was supposed to be.
Meredith's aberrational feelings toward Mr. Johnson, her high-school Pre-Calculus teacher, are still alive.
The difficultly in using the word aberration in a sentence is an aberration from the fun of vocab-blogging.


  1. Though some propose that evolution came from sudden extreme genetic leaps, all examples of these genetic aberrations amount to little more than defective mutations.
    Lack of sleep results in an aberration from Meredith's usual "sunshiny" self.
    Jesus was quite the dejected aberration of the world. Sadly people were blinded to see that Christ's differences improvements on the typical man.
    It is aberrational for Steve Walker to be not motivational.

  2. It is aberrational for Tim not to be funny.


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