1 belonging to the earliest period or state: ORIGINAL.
2a not spoiled, corrupted, or polluted: PURE
b fresh and clean, as if new.
1 The pristine tale of the thousand paper cranes maintains that anyone who folds a thousand paper cranes pleases the gods and is granted a wish.
Believing in these gods takes us away from our pristine purpose of serving the true God.
Tim LOVES LOVES LOVES his pristine record collection.
Meredith likes to think her thoughts are pristine.
2 Meredith likes her pristine sweatband.
Tim doesn't care whether his socks are pristine or if they are old and gross.
Meredith likes her milk pristine or not at all.
Jesus's death is able to make us pristine, despite our sin.
*Credit for word choice goes fully to the NYT Word of the Day & Merriam-Webster, though I did come across the word yesterday and wonder how to spell it. I am trying to overcome vocab block (similar to writer's block); figured it was better to continue than to quit.