Thursday, May 14, 2009


adv: with an attitude or look of suspicion or disapproval

Thomas was askance toward the news of Christ's resurrection.
Meredith thinks askance of many who claim to be Beach Boys fans.
I like The Velvet Underground.
I looked askance at my cup of gross apple cider vinegar water before drinking it.
Many look askance at the Bible dismissing all the treasure within.
This is another sentence with "askance" in it.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


do we still do this?

adj: lacking a plan, purpose, or enthusiasm;
in conversation, going halfheartedly from one subject to another in an unfocused way;
occurring randomly or occasionally

this word was taken from the simon & garfunkel song titled "A Simple Desultory Philippic (Or How I Was Robert McNamara'd Into Submission)"

Meredith used to feel sad and desultory because she had no plans for her future. She still has few plans, but she no longer feels sad or desultory.
Meredith used to fear that Tim would hate her desultory conversation, so she wouldn't talk as much.
Tim's birthday plans for Meredith were not desultory in the least.
God has to be angry when my prayers seem desultory and selfish.
The Beach Boy's mention of the beach, girls, and cars in their songs is not desultory. Rather, it is evident in every song.

this word was tricky.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


v: extend the application of (a method or conclusion, especially of statistics) to an unknown situation by assuming that existing trends will continue or similar methods will be applicable.

or to estimate or conclude in this way.

Tim is trying to extrapolate his relationship with Meredith based on the previous week.
Extrapolating is retarded.
Abraham extrapolated that God would render Isaac's sacrifice for good based on Isaac's miraculous birth.
 I extrapolate that Meredith will do many good things for many people based on the evidence presented in my many phone calls with her.
Long live the Vocab Blog.

Monday, May 4, 2009


deprived of or lacking something, esp. a nonmaterial asset.
[archaic past participle of bereave]

Meredith is bereft of the vocab club.
Meredith is bereft of Tim.
Meredith is sad, but confident that she will not be bereft of God's love and care.
Meredith will soon be bereft of the United States.

Tim is bereft of Florida.
Tim is not bereft of Beach Boy's albums :)
Tim is Meredith's favorite.
Meredith forgot how much fun the vocab club could be.

Meredith misses Tim.