an act of attributing a custom, event or object to a period in which is doesn't belong.
Some feel that my record collection is anachronistic. I feel that it is amazing.
Certain scholars note the anachronistic quality of certain Old Testament verses in the Bible. These scholars claim that inspired men revealed unknown truths concerning truths of our universe (such as "the paths of the sea" and the spherical nature of our globe). Gary Fisher just thinks it's poetic language.
I like Meredith's anachronistic style. Now everyone wants an ugly hat from the 20's as well.
Maybe one day, when Tim and Meredith's friendship is more provincial, a two hour phone conversation will seem anachronistic.
I fear the day when MP3's become anachronisms in our ever changing world. How more convenient and intangible can music become?
This is a good word. Not to be confused with Acronym (T.M.V.C (Tim & Meredith's Vocab Club).